Josephine, She Four Legs
Josephine, She Four Legs
Collaborative Print with Lisa Turner & Margot B. Myers
Silk Screen Edition of 8.
The Four-Legged Girl prints are part of a series of images created in response to a local project sponsored by the Whatcom Museum and Archive department. We searched the archives for unusual portraiture work done in Bellingham, Washington at the turn of the century and found an unusual formal portrait of Josephine Myrth Gorbin, a 12 year old girl who is depicted with four legs in a formal studio setting. In imagining all possible scenarios for Josephine, we imagined her movements and life being akin to akward or strange animals: the poisonous puffer fish, the legless snake, or the many-legged locust. We combined these images in playful segmented ways to explore issues of conformity and curiosity.